Welcome to the Naperville Noon Lions Poinsettia and Amaryllis Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who purchased Poinsettias and Amaryllis plants. You made our fundraiser a great success! Sales are closed for 2020.

The Naperville Noon Lions Foundation is raising money for its Vision and Hearing programs through the sale of Poinsettias and Amaryllis bulbs.

Flowers can be purchased from any member of the Naperville Noon Lions Club, or using our secure online webstore.

Flowers can be picked up at Aurelio’s Pizza in early December. We will contact you with dates/times.  Contact info@napervillenoonlions.org for more information.

IMPORTANT – local delivery for an additional charge to Naperville, Warrenville, and Lisle addresses only.

  ***  Flower sales September 1-October 30, 2022. ***

 Purchase Poinsettias or Amaryllis Bulbs using our secure website. Click here to order.

Flower sales September 1-October 30, 2022.

Check out what’s available using the 2022 Flower Order Form: Download!

To purchase a poinsettia or amaryllis bulb via US Mail, send a check with your name and address and phone to Naperville Noon Lions Foundation, P.O. Box 282, Naperville IL 60566, and we’ll send confirmation of your order back to you asap.

Thank you for supporting the Naperville Noon Lions Foundation.

For more information please contact Lion Karen.

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