Naperville Noon Lions Club
Serving the Naperville area since 1948
The Naperville Noon Lions Club meets the first four Tuesdays of each month, at noon, at Pomegranate Restaurant and Cafe, 55 S Commons Dr, Aurora, IL.
Contact or (630) 364-3922 for details. All are welcome.

Lions are men and women like you. Lions volunteer in the community to assist people who cannot afford the vision and hearing care they need. Naperville Noon Lions also provide diabetic test strips for schools in Districts 203 and 204, and contribute to a number of local organizations. Naperville Noon Lions provide services to Napervillians in need without regard to race, color, gender, religion, ability or identity.
What Lions Do
Lions are involved in a number of fundraising and service projects throughout the year, and we have fun doing them! Click on a tab to learn more.
- Eye Glass Collection
- Service to the Community
- Vision and Hearing Services
- Candy Day
- Turkey Trot
- Spring Plant Sale
- Summer Raffle
- Poinsettia and Amaryllis Sales
- Pizza Wars
Lions collect eye glasses, hearing aids, keys, cell phones, pop tabs and ink cartridges. We have two outdoor collection boxes that are available 24×7. Look for the bright yellow box at the front of Naperville Bank & Trust location: 5 S Washington St., and 1205 S Naper Blvd., Naperville, IL.
Click here to download a list of our current collection box locations.

Lions are active in the community. Get involved. Have Fun. Make a Difference!
Help beautify Naperville as we clean up Naperville Plainfield Road
Ring the Salvation Army Bell from November through December.
Help St. Baldrick’s raise money to fund the most promising research to find cures for childhood cancers and give survivors long and healthy lives.
Help the Angleman Syndrome Foundation raise money to advance the awareness and treatment of Angelman syndrome through education and information, research, and support for individuals with Angelman syndrome, their families and other concerned parties.
Actively support the Feed My Starving Children Mobile Pack at NCC.
Have an idea? Join and we’ll make it happen.
Money raised is donated to individuals within Naperville, and agencies within Naperville, Northern Illinois and Lions International.
Naperville residents that qualify may receive vision or hearing care underwritten by a Lions certified provider.
Contact Jim at or 630- 364-3922
Naperville Noon Lions and volunteers will be visible throughout Naperville on the second Friday and Saturday in October for Candy Day! Lions will be giving away rolls of candy and accepting monetary contributions to be used in helping the visually and hearing impaired. It is almost impossible for those who can see and hear normally to fully understand what it is like to be visually or hearing impaired, but they can help through their support of Candy Day.
People can show their support by giving generously, helping underwrite the price of a case of candy, or volunteering for a few hours on Candy Day. Persons wishing to join the Lions in their fight against the effects of vision and hearing loss should contact the Naperville Noon Lions Club or the Lions of Illinois Foundation.
For more information, call 630-364-3922 or
Email us at:
Join with friends and family on Thanksgiving morning and do something good for yourself and the community. Run or walk at 5K in Naperville’s scenic downtown area. Starts at Naperville Central Highschool. Register for Naperville’s Thanksgiving tradition at

The Naperville Noon Lions Foundation is raising money for its Vision and Hearing programs through the sale of flower and vegetable plants.
Flowers can be purchased from any member of the Naperville Noon Lions Club. Check out the beautiful flower and vegetable plants by clicking
Flower Brochure
Flowers will be delivered to you in May. Contact for more information.
IMPORTANT – local delivery to Naperville, Warrenville, and Lisle addresses only.
Thank you for supporting the Naperville Noon Lions Foundation.
Naperville Noon Lions Annual Summer Raffle
All proceeds go to helping Naperville children and seniors get the vision and hearing care they cannot otherwise afford.
$5,000 Ticket#3544 Paul H.
$2,000 Ticket#3377 Robert M.
$1,000 Ticket#1033 Don S.
$500 Ticket#3824 The M. Family
Check back here in June 2025 for details about the 2025 summer raffle, including prize categories, street sales locations, and purchasing tickets through our secure online webstore.
Tickets cost $10 for 1, $25 for 3, $50 for 7 and $100 for 15. The more you buy the better your chances. Only 5,000 tickets printed. You will be redirected to our secure online Raffle Ticket Sales site.
Grand Prize – $5,000
Other Prizes
Tickets cost $10 for 1, $25 for 3, $50 for 7 and $100 for 15. The more you buy the better your chances. Only 5,000 tickets printed.
s raffle.
CONGRATULATIONS to the 2023 Raffle Winners!
$5,000 Ticket#0789
$2,000 Ticket#1066
$1,000 Ticket#1042
$500 Ticket#0580
Check back in June 2024 for prize categories to purchase tickets for next year’s Raffle.
The Naperville Noon Lions Foundation is raising money for its Vision and Hearing programs through the sale of Poinsettias and Amaryllis bulbs.
Flowers can be purchased from any member of the Naperville Noon Lions Club, or using our secure online webstore. Check out the beautiful flowers available by clicking
Flower Brochure
Flowers will be delivered to you in early December. Amaryllis may be shipped. Contact for more information.
IMPORTANT – local delivery to Naperville, Warrenville, and Lisle addresses only.
*** 2025 Flower sales dates September /October ***
Who makes the best pizza in Naperville? Join us, Eat Pizza and CAST YOUR VOTE
2021 Update: Because of the restrictions on group size placed on us by the State of Illinois, Pizza Wars won’t be possible for the foreseeable future. We hoped that we’d be able to make it happen, but it just isn’t in the cards right now.
We DO plan on returning when allowed. We hope to have our great pizzerias back for more fun. We are hard at work planning and organizing to make the Second Pizza Wars even better!
Sample from nine of Naperville’s finest pizzerias and vote for your favorite crust, sauce and overall favorite pizza – all while supporting a great cause!
Congratulations to Little Pops, our 2020 Winner! </>
Check back here for details on our 2021 event.